We are looking for nominations in the following five categories for individuals and organisations which in the last year have shown exceptional initiative with free and Open Source software. These can be any contribution including project leadership, code, documentation, artwork, support, promotion or encouraging open practices from others.

The awards are open to individuals resident in the UK in the last year and projects and organisations with notable Open Source contributions from individuals resident in the UK in the last year.

Nominations Close at 5pm on Monday 6th April 2020.

Individual Award

A person who has helped improve the world through contributions to free and Open Source software


For a commercial business which has created a successful business while contributing to Open Source projects, leading Open Source projects and spreading freedom and empowerment for users.

Public Sector and Third Sector

For a public sector or charitable organisation which has developed its software in an Open Source method or made innovative use of Open Source software or opened up data


For an open source project which has successfully encouraged contributions from people in under-represented groups, or a university, organisation or business which has broken the mould in bringing minorities to participate in open source.


A university, college, school student or modern apprentice who has created beautiful and novel software as part of their course (dissertation, thesis etc) which is licensed as free and Open Source software and has curated participation in an open collaborative manner.

This award comes with a bursary of £1,500 which is to be spent on furthering the recipients education and contributions to Open Source for example buying a new laptop or expenses for attending conferences.